星期日, 八月 17, 2003

Comments, Links

Look at the smiles on their faces. Awww.

Liana points me to a list of the noon lectures being given at the Center for Japanese Studies till the end of this year, and recommends the October 7th date:

Following the lecture, Umenosuke will demonstrate how he transforms himself by applying white makeup, black eyeliner, eyebrows, and rouge donning the large, black wig of an onnagata. His metamorphosis will be complete when he demonstrates dressing in the elaborate layers of a kimono. In full costume, he will demonstrate the feminized movements, speech and other techniques from the onnagata�s repertoire by performing a dance, Ayame (Iris).

I'm leaving on Monday morning very early on a trip with my parents. A rough outline:

  • Visit Spain friends in Chicago, IL.
  • Visit CA friends in Wisconsin.
  • Tour Ann Arbor / U. Mich with family.
  • Visit Spain friends in Wheaton, IL.
  • Drop sister off at Wheaton College.
  • Visit Kartik in Chicago.
  • Bus to Ann Arbor, move into new room.

Consequently, all my stuff is packed into two cardboard boxes and a suitcase. Exciting.