星期六, 十月 04, 2003

Comments, Links

I'm exploring Friendster, it's crazy! I looked up Matt from Caltech, then spidered out to all of my Caltech friends. Of the first two I checked, I'm already connected to them through other lines of friendship, and I only have five (mainly BOHS) friends right now. Crazy! Here's for the record:

  • You -> Amy -> Kerry -> Josh -> Joseph
  • You -> Mayor Fon -> Tommy -> Sean
  • You -> Mayor Fon -> Tommy -> Sean -> Serge
  • You -> Mayor Fon -> Kenny -> Ada -> Viet
  • You -> Mayor Fon -> Mary -> Judy -> kevin
  • You -> Amy -> Thomas -> Jennifer -> Neil
  • You -> Aaron -> Shawn [Fanning] -> Travis -> Eugene
  • You -> Mayor Fon -> Joyan -> Tony -> Jason
  • You -> Mayor Fon -> Kenny -> Ada

Apparently this is Fon's fault for having way too many friends.