星期三, 五月 19, 2004

Comments, Links

Brian's comment tipped it, so I'm enabling Blogger comments. I had mulled it over previously:


  1. # of comments listed on each post
  2. links to commenter profiles
  3. HTML


  1. closed source
  2. data recoverability
  3. HTML
  4. "anonymous" posters

Either way:

  1. comment functionality
  2. e-mail notification (for me)

It was a close call. I figure I can screen scrape to archive comments (I already do this with posts). But this means that folks who don't have a Blogger account will either have to register with Blogger or post as "Anonymous", neither of which I'm happy about. Will this drive me to Wordpress? (or more likely, Blosxom?) I'll leave the old-style comment links up for a short transition period.


At 5/20/2004, Brian Kerr said:

I'm glad you did it.

Make sure you check out Textpattern, if you haven't already, before you move. (Although Blosxom is absolutely wonderful -- if I didn't have to worry about quickly training people to use blogging tools, I'd be using Blosxom myself.)


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