星期三, 九月 22, 2004

Comments, Links

I just did a re-organization of my Bloglines subscriptions, removing the Ann Arbor folder. Some folks went into RL friends, some folks went into Net Folks, and others were deleted. I'm just not getting onto the internet as much anymore, since the office router went bust during the move and I've been busy getting my house in order. Not computer yet either, I'm having trouble finding the case I want (extra small, something like what Saint Song makes).

My expenses for today:

RMB Expense
3 Light rail from Golden Sands River to Caoxi Road.
1 Bus 703 from Caoxi Road to the Chun Shen Road/Moli Garden stop.
1 Bottle of water for class at a convenience store in a new commercial center outside the new suburban housing development in south-eastern Shanghai where I teach mornings.
1 Bus 703 back to the Hong Mei Qiao stop.
1 Copy of the Shanghai Daily, an English language newspaper.
3 Metro from the Jin Jiang Amusement Park to Shimen First Road, changing trains at People's Square.
1 Bus 316 to meet the landlord and register at the local PSB office.
10.40 Lunch of two doughuts and a box of (pasteurized, ugh) milk at a French croissant place that has potentially good loaves of European style bread.
100 Fee to the Public Security Bureau for not registering within the first three days of moving into my house.
1 Bus 316 back to the office.
1 Bus 316 back home, chatting with Lisa, co-worker.
6 or 7 A couple hours at the internet cafe across the street.

All public transportation is paid for by swiping my jiao tong ka, a value-storage card that can be used on Shanghai's buses, metro, light rail, taxi, and ferry services. Dinner tonight could be bought at the carts behind my apartments for 5-6 RMB, or maybe just a peanut butter sandwich. This budget was inspired by Bradf's budget blog.