星期二, 十一月 09, 2004

Comments, Links

It's that time again, time for a picture caption post!:

There's this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant just outside the building our offices are in where I pick up lunch every day. Pretty much every other day I pick up the 五香茄子, the Five Fragrance Eggplant (more like, eggplant in brown pork sauce). Because it's so darned good.

About a week ago, I went out with Asa to this vegetarian restaurant on West Nanjing Road. But vegetarian in China is different than in the US, because here vegetarian is all about imitating meat with veggies; looking at the menu, at first we figured that they had some vegetarian dishes. But it turns out that if you order the 糖酥排骨, the sweet-and-sour pork, you will get a completely vegetarian dish. I can't remember exactly what we got, it was something like a lamb dish, a pork dish, a chicken dish and a couple of veggies. Cheap too.

I wrote up a small review recently of a concert in Xujianhui I went to with Asa. I took a picture with my cellphone. The review has details.

Every light rail station has a signal light at the end of the platform. They're sorta old-school, I've gotten some neat pictures of them with my camera.

Just so you can see how close my apartment is to the light rail station, I took this picture. The apartment building on the right? I live on the far side of it. Straight ahead, you will run into a fence, then right behind that fence is the station. In fact, the black smudge in the photo above the cars is the big sign on the wall of the station that says 金沙江路站, Golden Sands River Road Station.

This weekend I was very domestic. I had bought this vynil, water-proofing paper at Carrefour a while ago. I used it to line the cupboards on Sunday. They look very nice in checkered blue and white, and give the impression of being much cleaner. The more I fix up the kitchen, the more comfortable I feel fixing food in there.

"Please hitch the dog." A sign near my regular pre-school.

I went out to lunch today with a few people from work. We went to this great place hidden away in the Changshu Road area. They have a great lunch special. Their design is very industrial.