星期四, 十一月 25, 2004

Comments, Links

Life in Shanghai can be pretty boring, especially if you don't know anybody, tend to work late, don't speak the language, etc. Luckily, these don't really apply to me. Here's my calendar for this current week:

  1. Monday 11/22: I don't remember what I did on Monday. Probably go to bed early.
  2. Tuesday 11/23: Went over to John's house for dinner, conversation, and to use the computer. Stayed late.
  3. Wednesday 11/24: Went out to a hot-pot dinner with Jodi, then dancing at Rojam with Jodi and Lisa, co-workers. Found the hip-hop room in the back of the club to be the most fun.
  4. Thursday 11/25: All-you-can-eat Thanksgiving buffet at the fancy Sofitel in the Pudong section of Shanghai with John and Brad. I ate too much!
  5. Friday 11/26: I have a "meet me after work" on the calendar with Chen Yaling, the girl I was introduced to through work. We'll see where that goes.
  6. Saturday 11/27: Beijing punk band Joyside is playing at a mysterious location somewhere in Shanghai. A few people from the Shanghai Expat message boards should be there.

I also managed to upload a bunch of photos from the digital camera onto the server. They're worth checking out.