星期日, 六月 26, 2005

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I like the logo of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai:

It's the character 沪 filled in with the American flag.

The AmCham is having a 4th of July celebration on Saturday, but...

  1. Tickets cost RMB 325 (about USD 35).
  2. A US passport is required to buy them.

And the longer I live abroad, the more reluctant I am to do anything that requires a passport, and the more I see the document as a burden than as a privilege.

Anybody planning anything for 4th of July? How about a picnic in Changfeng Park? Or Luxun Park? John could bring his Frisbee, I'll bring my UNO cards, and if you have a soccer ball, then you're invited too. I'll check into the legality of fireworks in Shanghai.


At 6/27/2005, John said:

Sorry dude, I'll actually be celebrating this 4th of July in the US of A for a change.

You can borrow my frisbee, though, if you want.

At 6/27/2005, Micah said:

I totally forgot about that. Lucky duck. Can you bring your Frisbee to work this week?


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