星期四, 七月 21, 2005

Comments, Links

Random Music Stuff

(Sandy telling me to take some time off) + (some Shanghai kids talking about going to Mongolia together) = Me excited and considering taking a vacation.

Word on the Shanghai streets is that people are tiring of the smallness (and hotness) of Harley's. I hope Yuyintang gets the message.

I hadn't realized that 老鼠爱大米 started on the Internet.


At 7/21/2005, 匿名 said:

Hey there Micah I am a reader of yours and actually first heard about the inner mongolia festival from your site. I will be going from here in Beijing and thought if you'd like to meet out in the grasslands, I'll pass on my email address to you...jeff at qoolio dot org

my not so full of interesting stuff blog is china.qoolio.org


At 7/21/2005, Micah said:

Hi Jeff, that would rock. I'll email you my cell number.

PS, don't be so modest about your weblog. That's a pretty cool set-up you got there. Looks like this won't be your first time in (Inner) Mongolia.

At 7/31/2005, chris said:

finally, a link to something in chinese that i want to bother to try and decipher... people complaining about the Harley! >:D thanks


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