星期二, 八月 09, 2005

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Selected Unicode Han Characters:

(J) non-standard form of U+559C 喜, to like, love, enjoy; a joyful thing

in ancient times to fight against the enemy by pushing down the big rocks from up high; to throw over, to urge; to exert oneself, to carry in the bosom

(same as 胡) angry, the throat, what? how? why? which?

saan1 (Cantonese)
(ancient form of 璈) to walk slowly like a woman, to ridicule; to laugh at

(ancient form of 姣, 嬌) handsome; pretty, cunning, meretricious allurements, to insult; to disgrace, licentious; profligate; lewd; (Cant.) amorous, in love with

I wonder where these definitions are from.