星期二, 十月 18, 2005

Comments, Links

I caught another movie last night (长恨歌, Everylasting Regret) at the Broadway Cinemateque in Yaumatei. The second preview was for a really fun-looking movie. It's called 如果 爱, Perhaps Love, and it reminded me of Moulin Rouge in that it's a love story musical, but it's set in the Paris of the East, not of the West. It stars cute but dangerous Zhou Xun and polyglot heart–throb Takeshi Kaneshiro. It premiered at the Venice Film Festival to good reviews, and should be opening in December across Asia.

As for Everlasting Regret, it was an interesting movie but I thought it was trying too hard to make a point and didn't handle very well having to span so many years of history. But by far the most annoying thing was the main actress's Taiwanese accent; why do so many Taiwanese pop and movie stars sound like they went to the US for college and then had to relearn their mother tongue when they came back, picking up horrible American accent in the process?

The Broadway Cinemateque, by the way, is possibly the best place to watch movies in town and I highly recommend it. It has always had enough interesting movies to keep me amused on two or three nights of my stays in Hong Kong, this time Everlasting Regret and the new Wallace and Grommit. And you know that a movie store flanked by a bookstore/cafe called "Kubrick" must be at least a little classy. (From the Yaumatei metro station, take exit B2 and walk straight down Waterloo, making a left on Reclamation St. The shopping center containing the theater is three blocks down on your right, or just turn left when Reclamation St ends.)