星期四, 十月 13, 2005

Comments, Links

Once again, since English info is not forthcoming, I will follow up my first post on conference sign-up info with a translation of the latest post on the Chinese Blogger Conference 2005 weblog, containing the conference schedule:

Blogger Conference Daily Schedule

November 5th, day 1

8:00--9:00 Registration
9:10-9:20 Opening words
9:20-10:20 First talk, Isaac
10:20-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 First roundtable, Rebecca moderating "Globalization and Blogging"

12:00-13:40 Lunch (joint, included in registration fee)

14:00-15:00 Second talk, Xiu Li on "Blogging in Education"
15:00-15:10 Break
15:10-16:10 Second roundtable, hopesome moderating "Podcasting"
16:10-17:10 Third talk, Wenxin on "Weblog Technology"

Evening amusement: A Night on the Huangpu River (optional attendance)

November 6th, day 2

9:00-10:00 Fourth talk, Horse on "Web 2.0"
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-11:10 Fifth talk, Lǚ XīnXīn on "RSS"
11:10-11:40 Special blogger recommendations

12:00-13:40 Lunch Lunch (joint, included in registration fee)

14:00-15:00 Sixth talk, SayOnly on "Blogging and Media"
15:00-15:10 Break
15:10-16:10 Third roundtable, Jack moderating "Tags/Folksonomy"

16:10-16:30 Closing remarks