星期三, 二月 15, 2006

Comments, Links

A Shanghai expat asked, so I replied:

The Livebar is run by some guys from Zhuhai, so there is very little English info. Lemme see...

Feb 17, 8pm - Blues Sultans (blues), Ground to Dust (death metal)
Feb 18, 3pm - Scratch, Saturday Afternoon (two bands I'm not familiar with)
Feb 18, 8:30pm - Living Thin, The Pins (rock)
Feb 25, 8:30pm - Acoustic guitar and harmonica performance

721 Kunming Rd. (near Tongbei Rd) Yangpu District. This place is waaay unconvenient to buses and stuff, get out your map and walk it from the Central Henan Rd metro stop (probably 30-40 minutes) or take a taxi.

It looks like the 021 Bar down near Xujiahui has a bunch of concerts coming up too, interesting ones. I've never been there myself, but I've had it recommended to me:

Feb 17, 8pm - Exhumation, Ground to Dust, Vacuous (Extreme Metal show)
Feb 24, 8pm - Guitar, harmonica night
Feb 25, 7pm - Glazed Rose, Poisoned, Scratch (visual rock)
Mar 3, 8pm - East District Power night (a buncha bands, solo artists; a long running series)

I always say that metal is what Chinese do best.