星期五, 八月 11, 2006

Comments, Links

Three things.

One: the links in that last post about the MP3s should be working now. Sorry.

Two: GAIM got eight Summer of Code internships from Google, and one of the accepted projects is a QQ plugin. Hopefully this will make it into my GAIM-branch-off instant messenger of choice, Meebo.

Three: Blogspot is unblocked.

Today we worked around the house in the morning, went out for lunch, bused to south Pudong for a job interview in the afternoon, went ice skating at the 正大广场 mall in Lujiazui on the way back, and now we're watching 超级女生 on Jodi's computer and waiting for our Hello Pizza (ham pizza, fruit pizza, and smoked chicken salad) to arrive. We've locked Poopy into the den with us, and he's busy playing with his catnip mouse and gnawing on Jodi's toenails.