星期四, 十二月 07, 2006

This evening Jodi, her mom and I went to the Toys"Я"Us at the Super Brand Mall to avoid the crowds at the Grand Opening this weekend. Reaction? It has Uno and Mr Potato-head, but not Candyland or Frisbees. Overall, it's got a lot of toys but it's still a little too small.


星期一, 十二月 04, 2006

You can search for videos with the normal Youtube search box. But if you try to sort by date, the Great Firewall (GFW) will reset your connection and block you from Youtube for a minute or two. You can slip past the GFW by editing the URL: copy the URL for sorting by "Date Added", remove the part that says search_type=search_videos (and the ampersand after it), and you can access the sorted search results. Removing that bit doesn't seem to affect the search results.

Oh, and one ignored "Contact Us" message later I'm still searching for a way to get the list of my Youtube favorites returned to me in the order I added them.